Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Verdon Science Fair Awards

Congratulations to Miss Rapley's Year 8 Science students, who have entered the College Science Fair. Mr Olsen was pleased to be able to listen to the presentations and together with Mr du Mez have chosen the following entires to represent the College at the Southland Science Fair. We wish them every success.

Gabriel Winders- Stream lined bike - High Commendation
Aidan O'Neill -Parachute - Credit
Kloe Milne and Sophie McLean - Tuatara Statistics - Commendation
Ryan Swale and Jack Lenihan - Concrete - Commendation
Zac Jackson Barnes and Taylor Swan- Vinegar powered Rockets - Credit
Ben Dobbie - Oxidising Apples - Credit
Gracey Farquharson - Fish gas bladders - Commendation
Jordan McKenzie and Georoid Wilson McKeown- Popcorn - Credit
Daniel Boyle - Oceans dump - Credit