Friday, 23 April 2010

Junior Swimming

This week the year 7 and 8 classes have commenced their swimming program at Splash Palace. Our swim skills program aims to develop core skills that are essential for all young New Zealanders. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the ILT. The following article was released by the Water Safety Council and at Verdon College we are trying to address these concerns.

Drownings Forecast to Soar as Swimming Ability Sinks
Water Safety New Zealand (WSNZ) has released research indicating that the swimming ability of our youth has reached a crisis point and forecasts that continued failure to address this issue will inevitably result in a significant increase in drownings in New Zealand.

Matt Claridge, General Manager states: “when the findings of the research are matched with increases in population and increasing participation in water based activities, we believe the drowning toll will exceed 150 deaths per annum within the next 12 years and then up to 180 beyond 2030.” New Zealand already has one of the highest rates of drowning in the developed world, currently averaging 114 per annum (2003-2007).

“The underlying basis and ability to enjoy aquatic environments and recreation is the ability to swim and survive. WSNZ commissioned Nielsen’s to investigate the swimming skills of students, following a similar study conducted in 2001. The findings revealed the ability of our young people to swim and survive is deteriorating and has reached a crisis level. This decline can be directly attributed to inadequate opportunities to develop this fundamental skill.”