The Verdon College community gathered on Sunday afternoon to dedicate the Bishop Verdon Block. Bishop Colin performed the dedication ceremony which was attended by representatives from the diocese, college and Board of Trustees as well as many of the people who had been responsible for bringing the project to fruition. Board chair, Mrs Lynley Irvine, thanked the many stakeholders for their contribution to this $2 million development. She outlined the journey that has unfolded and highlighted the educational opportunities that the building unlocks. Panache entertained our guests with a suitably polished performance. An afternoon tea and viewing of the facility concluded the event.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Dedication of the Bishop Verdon Block
The Verdon College community gathered on Sunday afternoon to dedicate the Bishop Verdon Block. Bishop Colin performed the dedication ceremony which was attended by representatives from the diocese, college and Board of Trustees as well as many of the people who had been responsible for bringing the project to fruition. Board chair, Mrs Lynley Irvine, thanked the many stakeholders for their contribution to this $2 million development. She outlined the journey that has unfolded and highlighted the educational opportunities that the building unlocks. Panache entertained our guests with a suitably polished performance. An afternoon tea and viewing of the facility concluded the event.